Wang Lu


An Atlas Of Time

New Focus, 2020


Listen to An Atlas Of Time

Wang Lu returns with her 2nd album on the New Focus Label, and like everything the label does, it’s a very unclassifiable journey of chamber, orchestral and classical ideas where each track hosts unbound creativity from different musicians.

The title track starts the listen and unfolds with 5 movements of frantic keys, bursts of vocals, and haunting moments of orchestral mystery that seems like they could soundtrack a horror movie, and “Ryan And Dan” follows with a minimal approach where Ryan Muncy’s saxophone and Daniel Lippel’s electric guitar work strategically alongside one another as they manipulate space and texture with plenty of reverb.

Further on, “Double Trance” brings in the Momenta Quartet as a trio of violins and cello work together for a moody and stirring delivery of tranquil melodies and dynamic chord progressions, while “Unbreathable Colors” makes great use of Miranda Cuckson’s violin skills as both plucked and bowed techniques are executed.

“Siren’s Song” exits the listen, and showcases the Boston Modern Orchestra Project, who also started the album, and it results in an artistic and abstract finish of highly atypical melodies that rumble, distort and scatter with unpredictable beauty and adventure.

A native of China, Lu brings a wealth of experience and talent to these introspective and autobiographical pieces that are full of wonder, awe and so much intrigue.

Travels well with: Collage Project- Off Brand; Dave Liptak- Dove Songs